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AngularJS Query Builder

What is AngularJS Query Builder?

This directive lets the end user create queries in a visual manner.

In this page you can see basic and advanced usage examples.


There are several options to do that:
  1. Using bower: `bower install myforce-angularjs-query-builder`
  2. Download the .zip file from here
  3. Using it from GitHub raw using this link


Example Output Readable

Example Output as string



Example Output Readable

Example Output as string



Example Output Readable

Example Output as string



Example Output Readable

Example Output as string



Example Output Readable

Example Output as string


Full Directive Documentation


List of allowed attributes, you can find more information about them in the usage examples above.

Attribute Name Type Optional Description
fields Array no An array of the possible values of the left side of an expression.
operators Array no An array of the possible values of the operators in the query. (For example and, or, ...)
comparators Array no An array of the possible values of the comparators of an expression.
group Object no The query as an object
as-string string yes Used for input as string.
watch-for-string bool yes When set to true directive will watch for as-string to change and then parse that value. Once parsed watch-for-string is set back to false.
settings Object yes A settings object that can be passed to the directive
title string yes Title of the query builder. Displayed when settings.bootstrapPanelsEnabled is true

Field Object

List of the properties of the objects in the fields array

Property Name Type Optional Description
id Object no A unique indentifier of the field
name string no A name for the field. This is what is displayed in the select box
options Array yes An array of the possible values for the field. Needs to have an id and when not using custom comparator data templates also a name.
disabledComparators Array yes An array of ids of the comparators that can not be used with this field.

Operator Object

List of the properties of the objects in the operators array

Property Name Type Optional Description
value string no A unique indentifier of the operator
name string no A name for the operator. This is what is displayed in the select box

Comparator Object

List of the properties of the objects in the operators array

Property Name Type Optional Description
id Object no A unique indentifier of the comparator
name string no A name for the comparator. This is what is displayed in the select box
dataTemplate string yes String refering to a template that has been put into the $templateCache. Template can use the options of the field with 'rule.field.options' and needs to set '' to an object or an array of objects with an id
defaultData only when dataTemplate is used When using a dataTemplate the data will be initialized to this.

Settings Object

Property Name Type Optional Description
nesting boolean yes Enable or disable nesting
addIconClass string yes The class of the span in the Add condition or group button
removeIconClass string yes The class of the span in the Remove condition or group button
addButtonClass string yes The class Add condition or group button
removeButtonClass string yes The class Remove condition or group button
onlyAllowFieldsOnce boolean yes When true a field can only be used in a query once

Full Service Documentation

The queryService is available for injection with 'queryService'


Converts the object that is returned by the directive to a string representation and uses id's where possible
Converts the object that is returned by the directive to a string representation and uses names where possible and spaces to keep it readable
parseFromString(string, fields, operators, comparators)
Converts a string outputted by asString back to an object using the fields, operators and comparators passed to the function.